Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Today was a good day...


In fact today was a great day.
It began with a driving test, which all weekend I've been feeling quietly confident about. Then I woke up to the weather looking something like this....

Not only did I have the weather to contend with but my instructor was running late. So I ended up having to jump on a bus and running to his car (you see what the weather looks like right?!) in order to get to the test centre on time. Anyway...he apoligised profusely and I punched him in his face gave him my 'this is unacceptable' face.
After all the mayhem we actually get there a bit early...phew! Giving me enough time to calm down and mentally prepare. The test goes smoothly and ends with the lovely test instructor telling me I had passed. I literally wanted to jump and flex like that girl in the picture....YES!
So I go home to tell mummy the news (I did'nt even tell her I was taking the test) and the first thing she says is 'Oh, so you can take me to do shopping then...congratulations!' lol.

Then I get an email from my editor telling me that my first piece (in this particular newspaper) has made front page...can this day get any better?

 A while ago I contacted a certain editor at a world renowed style magazine, basically asking if he needed any contributors. To my suprise he actually responded and I now have a meeting with him, where I will be pitching ideas for a few upcoming issues...victory dance anyone?

All in a day's work mate...all in a day's work ;-)


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