Thursday, 27 May 2010

This Is Not A Suit

Adrien Sauvage's first foray into the world of photography begins with a series named, 'This Is Not A Suit'. Exploring the suit and what it evokes; Sauvage invites his subjects to wear garments from his collection and encourages them to express who they are whilst wearing a suit with no directorial interference. The first chapter of work is entitled NATIVES, LA shot on Venice Beach.

I've never seen a label debut a collection like this before and I'm a big fan of photographic projects that provoke questions and are based on simple concepts.
Art doesnt always have to be so complicated and sometimes simplicity is much more effective.


1 comment

Unknown said...

Thank you for your support. It feels good to know that my message is being understood as it was originally intended. Great pleasure reading your feedback and check out as I will be posting more images soon.


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